Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Man in West Virginia Passes Gas on Police Officer

A man in South Charlston, West Virginia, faces jail time for assaulting an officer in a very unusual way. Jose Cruz was pulled over when police found him driving with his headlights off. Sobriety tests quickly made it apparent he was driving under the influence. He was arrested for DUI and brought in. While they were taking fingerprints, he reportedly moved over to an officer and passed gas on him. The officer reported that the odor was extremely pungent. Cruz now faces charges of battery against an officer, obstruction of justice, and the original charges of DUI. It just goes to show that skunks aren't the only animals capable of defending themselves through chemical warfare. Perhaps this story will serve as an example to others who might be tempted to try the same strategy. Either way, we now know that a big problem like being arrested for DUI can quickly lead to becoming a worldwide laughing stock. So remember kids, don't drink and drive... and especially don't pass gas on an officer.

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